Vietnam AIR500The Vietnam AIR500 is a small-scale topographic map for aeronautic activities or for overview planning of other activities. The map image of this digital map product is the Tactical Pilotage Chart of the US Army Map Service in scale 1:500.000. Actuality of map content of this chart, air information and vertical obstructions are base on information of 1983 to 2001 according to the map sheets. Therefore this map is not usable for navigation in aircrafts. Pilots should consult NOTAMS and Flight Informations Publications for the latest air information.
Map FormatsThis map product is available in the following map formats:
In each format the map consist of one file. Filesize in ECW is approx. 170 MB and in JNX approx. 116 MB. Important note: In order to use these maps on your Garmin device you must have a valid BirdsEye subscription for your GPS unit. For the use with BaseCamp only no subscription is necessary. Sample files can be downloaded here: ECW format: SampleTPCVietnam.ecw
JNX format: SampleTPCVietnam.jnx